This article walks through the steps of creating a client app in Oracle IDCS. Which then takes cares of using MS ADFS or any other ways of secure login into the Oracle Sales. 

Login to Oracle IDCS 

Click Add a new application 

Choose type "Confidential Application"

Only application name is needed on the first step. Click next

Select Configure now.
Select "Client credentials, Refresh Token and Authroization Code"

Provide redirect URL as: (App can be deployed on customer instance as well for added security)

In the resources add "Oracle Applications Cloud (Fusion)"

Click Next

Skip Resources and click Next

Skip Web Tier policy and click Next

Accept defaults and finish.

This will generate Client id and Secret as shown below. Keep a note.

Click "Activate" on the top right corner. 

That finishes the setup. All that is required is to use the idcs URL, client id and secret to connect securely with