It is very quick and easy for non-admin users to get started with setup. Please follow along


  1. is already installed on Teams workspace  or "Webex by Cisco" by your organization administrator.
  2. You have access to your Microsoft Teams/Webex account
  3. You have credentials for your Salesforce account

Step by Step

  1. Login to Microsoft Teams/Webex and search for in contacts like you do when you send a message to another person. This should look like below:

  2.  Open your browser and type . This will show a login page. Type your email as shown below:

  3. Click next and provide your name, and pick a password as shown below

  4. This will login to your dashboard as shown below

  5. Select Salesforce from the list as shown below and click login to salesforce button.

  6. This will open the Salesforce login page. Provide your credentials as shown below and click login:

  7. Click allow access as shown below:

  8. This will close the new window and bring you back to your dashboard as shown below. You will notice the "login to salesforce" button will change to "connected"

  9. That's all. Go back to Microsoft teams/Webex and type a command like contact and hit enter. If all goes well you should see the results like below: