When you meet too many people in places like conferences and have a bunch of business cards then it is really hard to remember which specific person you would like to contact on priority or want to treat as a hot lead. ScanBuddy.ai gives the ability to add some extra information to a business card to do just that. Below are the steps:

  1. Make sure the latest version of ScanBuddy.ai is installed from Google or Apple app store depending upon the type of device you are using.
  2. Scan a card as you normally do. 
  3. Go to the status tab and you will see a note icon for the cards that are still waiting to be process like below:

4. Click the blue note icon and it will open a note window like below. Add notes

5. Hit save and it will close the note.

Once the business card is processed you can view or edit it by just going to the home screen and tapping on the card as shown below (Jasmine Scott's card in this case)

6. On tapping the card and scrolling towards end will show the note which you can modify and save again as below